fierce wireless-logoFierce Wireless – September 29, 2015 – I’ve been thinking a lot about Mobile World Congress 2016 lately. In part, I’m just mentally preparing for a ski trip in Gstaad the week prior, the first time I’ve been skiing in forever (note: If you see me hobbling around La Fira in a cast, don’t ask). But there are also a handful of other reasons. CTIA’s Super Mobility Week just finished up earlier this month; while not approaching the stature of Mobile World Congress (MWC), it’s still one of the largest mobile-focused trade shows, providing insights into what we might see in Barcelona. Just prior to Super Mobility Week, we completed our first Mobile World Congress planning session with a customer. And since that was a cue to book my flight home from MWC, I soon realized that all the window seats are taken on any flight I’m likely to take. First world problems — I know.  Read More>>