When Ingenu designed RPMA, we did so with security as a core feature.

In fact that represents the first of our three-fold philosophy on IoT security:
  • Secure by design
  • Keep it simple
  • Follow the standards
We’ve already described why IoT security is so important, so here’s the thinking that undergirds RPMA’s security approach.

Secure by Design

Building technology secure by design basically assumes that somebody, someday, will try and hack it. Sure, it’s kind of a pessimistic view, but hey, better safe than sorry, right? And that’s how we approached RPMA, security is built in from the beginning. This can make a serious difference. Imagine buying a house made of reeds, and then after it is done, the builder decides to “add security” by installing a simple lock on the front door. Intruders will just ignore the lock and make a hole straight through the wall! That seems a little far-fetched but it really isn’t too far off from how many design their wireless connectivity.

Keep It Simple

Einstein has been attributed with saying, “Everything should be made as simple as possible, but no simpler.” We like to keep it simple around here. IoT security that is simple, is clear and transparent. You can see how the pieces come together to create a comprehensive suite of IoT security protection. A glob of security features doth not strong security make.

Follow the Standards

Finally, following security standards builds on the ‘keep it simple’ principle by clarifying the security capabilities so you know what you are getting. But we here at Ingenu like to help our partners and customers, so not only does RPMA meet the direct standards that apply to the technology itself, but enables utilities and other critical infrastructure providers meet theirs.
To learn more about what to look for to stay secure on the IoT, download our white paper, Security for the Internet of Things.