In a prior article we discussed how supporting more frequency bands detracts from the very efficiencies that the IoT promises.

The second aspect of wireless technology that brings or removes efficiencies to the chain is the wireless protocol used. The wireless protocol provides the contraints for the capabilities of the end devices. These include true two-way communication, security, and scalability. The protocol is also a key input to the device’s battery life.

Most of the devices on the Internet of Things will support long-term assets that are too expensive to service regularly.

That means they will require long battery life to be cost-effective. The long-term nature of many of these assets is often driven by the fact that it will take many years to get the ROI necessary to justify investment in these devices. Extremely long battery life is essential, and there is more that impacts the long-term cycle of IoT devices.

Also impacting the stability of a device protocol, and its ability to support the long life cycle needed for a positive ROI, are the forces that go into the development of the protocol. For cellular these forces are primarily economic (carriers serve higher data consumption by humans for profitability) and cultural (standards bodies’ charter to update standards). Cellular carriers must serve their core profit center which is human data consumption. The very nature of standards bodies is to change standards, so they will keep changing them. The short life-cycles these forces inherently press upon their customers break the promised efficiencies of the IoT.

Ingenu’s wireless protocol, RPMA, is designed from the ground up to provide the stability device makers and businesses need to be profitable now and over the long term.

We support 10 to 20+ years of battery life. We guarantee network longevity for decades. Ingenu keeps the IoT efficiency promise; we offer stability when networks sunsets are the status quo.

Download our Network Sunsetting by Country Infographic to learn more about when sunsets affect nations around the world for years to come.