Machine connectivity puts devices and their needs first and foremost in the design, implementation, and progression of wireless connectivity.

Machine Focused Design

A wireless provider that puts machines first has their needs designed right into every aspect of their technology. Such a technology maximizes battery life allowing even up to 20 years or more given the right data model. Machine first design has efficient protocols and minimizes wasteful protocols. Machine focused design assures that their modules are compatible for decades, not half of one.

Machine First Implementation

Wireless connectivity implemented with machine needs first means that other network users do not have higher priority. How is that possible? If you’ve ever been to a large event like a sports game, or at rush hour in a densely populated area and tried to make a call, you’ve likely had the experience of not being to get a call through. You’re relegated to texting because the network is overloaded; its capacity is maxed out. At that point you, the customer, are really thinking hard about your experience on that network. You also happen to be the highest revenue source for the carrier, so you better believe when the bandwidth gets tight, those carriers are going to relegate the machines to the back burner. When the rubber hits the road, machines will always be second priority to human traffic on cellular networks. That’s not machine first implementation.

Machine Driven Progression

Machine driven wireless technology keeps the long-term vision of machine needs as a focal point. Human connectivity needs should not drive the how the wireless service connecting devices to the IoT progresses. Machine driven progress accounts for the decade-plus device cycle of many devices. Human driven progress reflects the transient and hyper-cycle nature of the consumer product life cycle; that just won’t do for machines.

Ingenu exists exclusively to bring connectivity to machines. It’s what we do. RPMA is our technology and it has been and always will be about the machines it connects. The Machine Network is driven by the needs of the devices it connects, is implemented exclusively for machine connectivity, and is based on RPMA, the Andrew Viterbi endorsed IoT wireless technology.

Download our cellular sunsets infographic to learn more about what happens when machines take the back burner.