The Hard Work is Done

Imagine this, your company, which has a global presence, has decided to proceed with an IoT strategy. An IoT strategy means it has decided it can either reduce costs or generate revenue using information collected by sensors and more complex devices deployed around its global operations. The hard work is done, you’ve identified your value propositions, processes that when augmented by IoT devices can be improved, and have an understanding of new or augmented profit centers using the IoT.

The Next Step to Deploying an IoT Strategy

Once the big picture and overall strategy is decided it is time for implementation. It is time to deploy. This is where connectivity begins to play an important role. As a company deploying an IoT strategy, you now have short and long-term considerations. The short-term considerations are getting deployed as quickly as possible. To be a wise investment, you must implement your IoT strategy using technology that can deliver on its promises not just now, but for when the IoT is as ubiquitous an idea as the internet itself.

Short-Term, Get Deployed Now

RPMA® has the absolute simplest and most robust path to deploying a global IoT strategy, period. How so? Let us count the ways:

  1. One worldwide band – RPMA uses the 2.4GHz band which is available, literally, worldwide. So a device designed and deployed in Croatia, will work in Dubai or China.
    This drastically reduces management costs. NB-IoT, LTE-M1, Sigfox, LoRa, or any other contending wireless connectivity provider simply cannot offer that kind of simplicity. With NB-IoT for example, you would need an entire team just juggling what devices are compatible where. This kind of management burden drastically reduces the speed of deployment and reduces the long-term ROI.
  2. One carrier contract to negotiate – With Ingenu™ there is no need to work out contracts with every single carrier in every single place you have a presence. Short-term this gives you immense speed to push ahead of the competition. Long-term, this means you have one party to work with, rather than dozens, to help meet your growing needs and expanded vision.
  3. $0 certification costs – Using NB-IoT or LTE-M you will need to pay $40k to $100k per device per carrier toward certification costs if you are creating your own devices. If purchasing from a device maker, you will naturally swallow the increased cost, and then have to manage the various devices based on region. Even within a single country, like the US, you have at least six bands to support.
When deploying a global, or any, IoT strategy, Ingenu’s RPMA is the simplest, fastest, and most robust wireless connectivity option.

Read our white paper, Making Sense of Your IoT Connectivity Options for more important considerations when choosing wireless connectivity for your IoT trategy.