Being an Amazon of the IoT

Amazon® does some pretty amazing things. This is the company that first took over the bookselling world, then over the retailing world. This is also the company that pretty much kicked off the cloud computing craze of recent years. And they are poised to shake up the delivery business even now.

The thing is, Amazon does not have some secret technology or access to resources that other companies do not have. They didn’t invent the internet, or cloud computing, or package delivery. What Amazon has is imagination and the ambition to act on their imagination. As a business their level of imagination and drive has enabled them to shake up not just a single industry but several; and they keep doing it. They have chosen to look at their business not as a static income stream but as a malleable value generating machine that can grow and change. The routinely look at their current strengths, the technologies that are developing, and the market’s needs and wants. And they then find those few sweet spots where the three intersect.

World Class Imagination

But why can’t any company be an Amazon of the IoT? Finding those intersections is a matter of asking the right questions. It is the ability to metaphorically float above your business, your industry, and the technology being developed and see how they may or could impact one another. This is the imagination part. And anyone who knows their business and keeps abreast of developments in technology can have these kinds of discussions.

Why does Ingenu™ care about your business having these discussions? It’s simple, the Internet of Things (IoT) is one of those technologies that change the world operates as it is implemented and adopted. Just like the Internet allowed Amazon to actually go “online”, the Internet of Things is connecting businesses, cities, machines, and customers around the world. The Amazon of the IoT is out there, and there’s no reason your company can’t be it.

Attend our free webinar, How to Get Business Value from the IoT, and kickstart your IoT strategy today.