Any good business lives by the mantra that the customer is always right.  At Ingenu™, we follow that mantra and strive to provide all of our customers with excellent service. However, there may be just a few things that our potential partners may initially have wrong when inquiring about the RPMA® (Random Phase Multiple Access) technology and the significant role it plays in the M2M/IoT space today. We take pride in clearing up theses misconceptions and are excited to set our potential customers on the right track.

When finding out that Ingenu’s RPMA technology operates on the globally free unlicensed band of 2.4GHz, the first response and concern we typically get is, “There is no way you can utilize such a crowded spectrum like 2.4GHz and not have a problem with interference.” Although interference is a valid concern, it was one that our founders considered when they were developing the technology over eight years ago.   I typically find myself trying to share all of the things that our engineers did when designing the technology to battle interference. I share how Ingenu built the RPMA technology from the ground up with interference in mind and has the capability to control all layers of the technology stack.  Not only do we have access to the application layer, but Ingenu has full control over the network, MAC and Physical Layer as well. This gives Ingenu a huge advantage when it comes to interference.

I also like to share several other advantages, such as that RPMA is a DSSS (direct sequence spread spectrum) technology that allows for unprecedented processing gain, which helps to curb same channel interference or any noise from adjacent channels in the spectrum. We have added forward error correction and data acknowledgment to minimize transmission times by only sending the data that was lost and sending back an acknowledgment message to ensure all data was received. From there, I make sure that customers know that what makes the RPMA technology even more robust and resistant to interference is its capability to run an entire network on a single 1MHz channel of the 80 available on the 2.4GHz spectrum. This allows us to avoid the well known channels of large contributors of interference like Wi-Fi modems. The RPMA technology is even capable of choosing another tower to communicate with altogether if the interference is too great. Simply put, our technology is smart enough to choose the best communication path to make sure there is no data loss during the transmission.

There are several other things that we do to handle interference and the items listed above are all great attributes of the technology. But, I sometimes think that even after sharing all of the technical advantages of RPMA, the best argument to be made on handling interference doesn’t lie in the technical details.  The best way to put to rest any concern is to simply share the success that RPMA has already had worldwide. We have 38 private networks in 16 different countries sending 4.3 million messages every day on that same congested, overloaded 2.4GHz band, and have been doing this for more than five years.  We have interference covered.