What sort of security is embedded in RPMA? How secure is the technology? Are there any security certificates in place for the end device to the network? What sort of disaster recovery and/or hacking plans do we have in place?

Why would you utilize RPMA® (Random Phase Multiple Access) when Wi-Fi or Google fiber Wi-Fi is available?

So, you may be thinking as you review RPMA, that it operates in the 2.4GHz spectrum, which is the same frequency as my Wi-Fi in my home. You then ask yourself why you would look to buy another technology when you already have Wi-Fi and just learned that Google is coming to your city? Why should you look at Ingenu that will soon be coming to your city as well?

You know that you use Wi-Fi, literally every day and it gets the job done, right?

Well, not exactly, if you take a deeper look at how RPMA was designed and what it was built for. You will quickly realize all the benefits that RPMA has to offer. Ingenu is building the the Machine Network™, which is a pretty straightforward name for its purpose – for machines. This means it was built for sensors boxes gathering information and data and then reporting as designed. It is not built for you, your family members or a few kids to stream YouTube or read the latest new blogs.

RPMA was built with two key and major differentiating factors – reliability and security.

Ingenu has been in the IoT/M2M business since 2008 and has worked with some very sensitive data. Perhaps you have seen our work with oil and gas lines, for instance. Even though RPMA operates on the 2.4 GHz band, our technology was designed and engineered with reliability as a key component, with over 99% uptime. Now, Wi-Fi is pretty consistent, but on average, in your home or at work, how often does it not operate consistently? I know that if someone is down the street working on a gas line or perhaps a water line and cuts the line, I am down for the afternoon. Or, if we have a good thunderstorm and my power goes out, I am also done for that day or perhaps another. Wi-Fi has great speeds and very easy to access and use but what happens when the lights go out? You need the reliability of a network built from the ground up. RPMA is a network topology which means it is built similar to a cellular network, but with a lot less infrastructure and congestion. The network blankets an area, in some cases 300 square miles per access point, and is on all the time talking to the machines they support.

Let’s now discuss the other key factor I mentioned above, security. I feel like I should say that three times – security, security, and security. In a world of numerous hacks, malware and viruses on any given message, how do you protect your information and sensitive data? Do you think free public Wi-Fi will have enough security to protect you and your business from an attack? RPMA, although on the same frequency as Wi-Fi, has engineered and 32 patents around the security and design of how we communicate through this crowded highway of spectrum. Ingenu’s technical teams have perfected and tested this over the last eight-plus years. Come take a look download a white paper and get your inner geek on to learn more!