The start of 2017 brings change for many things; new year, new president, and a lot of new technology. With CES recently ending, it is no surprise that there is a lot of buzz around announcements of which latest and greatest technology is coming out and how it will make life that much easier and smarter. It is an exciting time for the technology industry, bringing high hopes for the new year.

From self-driving cars to any kind of smartwatch imaginable, technology has come a long way in the last couple of years and is projected to take off even more in the years to come. There is estimated to be about 30 billion “connected” devices by 2020, making the future of the IoT anything but dull.

So what does this mean for Ingenu? It means that the amount and range of devices that can be connected to our network is endless. From shoe soles to oil fields to dog collars, the only thing that any of these items has in common is the network that they are connected to. If you think about it, none of these 30 billion connected devices will have many similarities other than the need to be “connected”, and that is what is so important about what we do at Ingenu. Not only do we not specify in connecting certain devices, but we have the technology that enables us to work with just about any application and give it its own unique place in the IoT.

Ingenu works hard to provide an effortless, reliable connection for any application and makes sure that the big things like security and battery life become little things that you don’t need to worry about. There are endless arguments as to why Ingenu is the network to join, but when it all comes down to it, our technology and network speaks for itself. When we hear 30 billion devices connected to the IoT in three years we celebrate because we have been preparing for this since the beginning.