Spectrum Choices

The frequency band a wireless provider chooses has a far-reaching impact on what kind and quality of connectivity a provider can offer.
Ingenu chose a spectrum that gives RPMA plenty of power and flexibility, is available worldwide, costs nothing to use, and has much less regulation than other unlicensed bands.

Efficient Spectrum/Frequency Usage

  • Plenty of Room

    We have 80 MHz of bandwidth with which to work. We have hosted dozens of networks each of which uses only 1 MHz of bandwidth. With RPMA, it’s like Ingenu has a highway with 80 lanes, and we only use one. This gives us incredible flexibility and power. Theoretically, we could use 40 lanes and have no performance issues. But more realistically, we could take up eight lanes, or 1/10th of the highway, and still have plenty of flexibility to move around if needed.

  • Worldwide Availability

    Our network operates on global standard spectrum that is available in every country in the world. If you’ve ever had to travel overseas, you know what a hassle it can be ensuring your cell phone is compatible with the networks in that area. While that’s troublesome enough for one person traveling, imagine the trouble of expanding your company to another country that uses different spectrum. The spectrum we chose is available worldwide, and always will be, so that no matter where your devices go, they will work just like back home.

Simpler is Better

  • Cost Free –Ingenu offers the lowest cost of deployment. Many don’t realize it, but cellular companies pay a lot of money to use the frequencies that they do for sending wireless communications. That is partially why cellular service is so expensive, you are paying the cellular provider’s lease on that bit of radio frequency. The frequency we chose for RPMA doesn’t cost a thing! It is totally free, all around the world, and we pass that savings on to you. This savings is especially important for connecting devices in a cost-effective manner.
  • Less Regulation – In order to send wireless signal over the airwaves, you have to get permission from the government to use that space. Governments regulate all sorts of aspects of sending radio signals. These regulations help keep us safe and keep our devices performing properly, but can also limit what capabilities wireless technologies have. We chose a spectrum that has less government regulation than other spectrums in the United States and Europe, as well as other countries. This means we can do more with our network and have the flexibility to provide broad and deep coverage as well as unlimited capacity.

2.4 GHz & 900 MHz: Unlicensed Spectrum Comparison

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