Cellular or low power? That is a great question to ask when building a future-proof application in the Internet of Things (IoT) space. The IoT world is booming with growth every day and there are so many different applications and so many different options to transport data. According to analyst estimates, 86% of all IoT applications use 3MB of data or less per month. Therefore, cellular networks, not purpose-built for machine traffic may not be the best fit for these applications.  Conversely, Ingenu’s RPMA® (Random Phase Multiple Access) technology is suited for all different types of machine applications. It not only caters to application service providers (ASPs) that are developing applications that use very small amounts of data that need very long battery life, it can also accommodate the applications that need to report more frequently with larger amounts of data. This cannot be achieved with most other low-power or cellular offerings.

In 2018, there will be an estimated nine billion connected IoT devices, so choosing a carrier can be very confusing for an ASP. When deploying a solution, most find it is a struggle to find the right price plan for the right data profile. Considerations should be made for applications, data consumption, network longevity, and serviceability, so it is always good to explore options to find the best carrier that fits with your application.

Whether the solution is high-speed, large profiles, or applications that only need bytes of data, the ASP has an advantage because there are now carriers designed specifically for IoT. These IoT carriers can tailor plans specifically for each application while offering significant rate reductions, not to mention the elimination of network sun-setting.

When choosing an IoT network provider, be sure they understand your specific applications so they can design a plan which appropriately fits your data needs.