Coverage, coverage, coverage, this is what the market is looking for. It is ready to have a solution that can meet its coverage demands and yet not sunset. All it takes is a quick conversation with Ingenu™ and the attention quickly turns to, “how fast can development begin?”

So how does Ingenu help solve the long-term coverage issues plaguing IoT/M2M?

Low cost of infrastructure means low network costs. Ingenu has purpose-built its technology from the ground up with this very thought in mind. With a two-year deployment plan for domestic ubiquitous coverage, there has to be minimal infrastructure in order to make that happen. It starts with the access points. Our APs have an expansive range to which no other LPWAN or even cellular carrier can compare. In perfect topography, each access point can reach 400 square miles (like some down in Texas). It takes 10 times that amount with a cellular tower. The ability to scale is clearly seen with that kind of range and coverage availability. Our APs also have an incredible ability to “talk” to multiple devices simultaneously. One of our APs can talk to over 260,000 end points with no loss of message. We have built message acknowledgement into our technology and have protocols assigned to avoid things like message congestion and interference. The scalability factor is also just as impressive. To cover a given area in the United States, it takes one Ingenu AP compared to 18 with LoRa and 70 with Sigfox.

Network guarantees are just as important. When creating a network dedicated to IoT and M2M connectivity, a long lifecycle of the network is crucial. Unlike the carriers whose constant battle is network sunsetting, Ingenu will never face that problem. That comes from spectrum choice. We operate on the 2.4 GHz ISM band. This is globally available and costs nothing to use. It’s the same band that Wi-Fi uses and supports everything from your home microwave to large wireless networks. The decision to use this spectrum gave us the ability to offer these 20 years-plus network guarantees. When you look at the cellular carriers, they’ll always have to be thinking of the next best network. They will always prioritize on the heavy data and voice users as that is where the majority of the revenue is derived. Cellular carriers rededicate 40% of their yearly revenues to spectrum, quite an expensive task. AT&T, for example, will complete their 2G shutdown by January 1, 2017.

We have defined Ingenu as “Simply Genius” and that truly is what our network represents. Not only have we built this technology from the ground up, we’ve made it accessible to all. Ingenu is just getting started and with global markets already built and domestic sites already completed, we will continue to dominate the IoT market in a way no other carrier can.